MYMACOM’s forte lies in its ability to transform for better the professional and personal lives of those who get engaged in our training programmes. Our well calibrated Activity Based Competency Development (ABCD) approach occupies the core of our training facet and gets translated into better and meaningful results which are quantifiable on ROTI (Return on Training Investment) yardstick. Primarily the training programs offered by MYAMCOM are powered by evidence based contemporary paradigms of Applied Organizational & Positive and Occupational Health Psychology which are empirically endorsed with cross cultural validation.
Holistic & Integrated Model of Training & Experiential Learning Orbits
Personal development on attitudnal, behaviroal & cognaitive levels is augmented through high resolution trainings.
Exuberence & competitiveness mark the professional excellence to survive as the fittest; and the same is inculcated through our actionpacked professional training programs.
This learning orbit reciprocates to the orgnaizational development needs and customised learning programs devised by by our associate industry experts.

Leadership Masterclass on Emotional Intelligence @ Work
Emotional Intelligence is an emerging paradigm of personal and professional growth backed by groundbreaking research insights stemming from positive psychology. Currently, no authentic behavior change and learning management program based on Emotional Intelligence is in place to help individuals and organizations to make the most of the practical dividends of this applied body of knowledge. Birding this gap, this masterclass will impart learning based on self-diagnostic exercises for personal and interpersonal efficacy followed by developing 10 competencies to be exercised in real-life scenarios. The training content is designed along an evaluative-prescriptive continuum through a Personal Learning Journal (PLJ) during the workshop.

Corporate Leadership Development Program
A Boot-camp for Transformational Experiential Learning
This week long residential training would invigorate and energize the founding traits of a current or potential Corporate Leaders in the senior management of the organization. This would ultimately translate their existing leadership skills into corporate growth, augmented productivity and potentials’ maximization. This will especially be a signature workshop for the high potentials (hypos) managerial intake of a growth oriented business conglomerate to harness their A Team to brave the current and future challenges with a high voltage leadership acumen.

Time & Conflict Management
Attaining Efficacy & Equilibrium in Life
Rapidly changing work environment and its demands, unending struggle for work-family balance; and resultant pressure points pose a daunting challenge for time and conflict management at work, home and in-between. This training program has been powered by most advanced interventional strategies of Positive and Occupational Health Psychology to address the contemporary intra/inter personal conflicts and making the most of time & space dimensions in life with maximum utility and productivity. The training will impart practical coping skills and strategies to acquire fortitude in emotional and social spheres of life with greater pliability and focus.

Stress Resilience & Wellness at Work
Cognitive & Behavioral Interventions
Stress is a response to a change and in an ever-changing world around us, stress provoking triggers (as antecedents) and stress proneness (as an outcome) are increasing. This training program is based on time-tested and empirically endorsed interventional strategies to reframe cognitive appraisals of intrinsic and extrinsic correlates of stressful situations in life. Banking upon a preventive and preemptive model of personal wellbeing, the training content encapsulates effective practical exercises to equip participants with a tool-kit to handle different challenging circumstances in life (and at work) with much better levels of resilience, composure and proactive disposition.

Personal Effectiveness & Organizational Excellence
Establishing an Engaging & Performance Enhancing Culture
Inter and Intrapersonal effectiveness is considered to be one of the most crucial constituents of excellence-oriented organizational culture . It substantiates the organizational goals and cements the professional outlook of a work environment while making the most of the efficacy of the workforce. Aiming at organization wide change, this training program has been devised to enhance the quality and effectiveness of personal wellness regime on psycho-social and occupational levels on part of individuals resulting into an augmented performance at work. Hence, the foremost objective of the workshops is to transform human capital’s effectiveness into an upshot of highly engaging and performance-boosting work culture.

Market Research & Consumer Insights
Primary & Secondary Research for Go-to-Market Strategies
Organizations in general and startups in particular face enormous challenges during their infancy period (and even later) while rigorously working on their product/service development and its marketing. Spending extra bucks on the hardcore research to measure the marketing/sales potential appears to be a critically important yet another cost intensive exercise. This training workshop aims at breaking such ‘myths’ while introducing time & cost efficient practices of primary & secondary consumer research in B2C and B2B perspective. The training will impart hands-on practical tips on acquisition of consumer data and turning it into useful insights for well informed decision making.

Teaming Up for Shared Excellence
An all Psyched-up Team Building Experience
In an organization with multi faceted hierarchies, there is always a very acute need of functional and cross functional team building. An organization embedded with professional team spirit propels the zest to go even further. The virtues of profitable growth remain challenged without a shared pursuit of excellence as a team and not as a bunch of individuals. This action-packed team building training workshop is aimed at creating a transformational and lasting learning experience for participants primarily based on learning-by-doing models, games, simulations, role-playing and energizers.

Powering Performance & Growth
Behavioral Economics at Work
This training program is a well thought of amalgamation of key constructs of strategic management, thought leadership and behavioral economics . Specifically designed for senior management, the workshop will impart the skills and knowledge in a highly interactive manner with current and relevant paradigms primarily focusing on contemporary game changers approaches. Case studies, simulations and group tasks will further enhance the effectiveness of training goals and targets primarily revolving around finding and fine-tuning growth pathways and potentials for budding and well-established businesses for product and service development and delivery.

Measuring & Maximizing Performance
Powered by Psychometric Interventions
Optimizing the human capital is an imperative for any growth-oriented organization. The irrelevance of IQ based and GPA driven university degrees don’t predict the ‘right candidature’ for hiring and current performance appraisals systems are turning into redundant models of promotion and progression related decisions. Growing interest of Fortune 500 companies of the world on Psychometric Solutions for talent acquisition and promotion signifies its importance for the functional and HR heads of the organizations to have a deep understanding of psychological testing and profiling while emphasizing the use of different tests, tools and techniques to serve the purpose. This workshop imparts a hands-on experience of using Psychometrics to measure, manage and maximize performance while being sure about having the right person for the right job.

Power Talk – Brief Inspirational Interactive Sessions
Transformational – Practical – Insightful
These are (generally) 3-hours long sessions with high-octane content derived from empirical evidences, observational data and trans-disciplinary paradigms.
- Applied Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Personal & Professional Life
- Significance and Strategies of Stress Management in Life
- Personal Wellness: Non Medicinal Interventions for a Healthy Life
- Work-Family Enrichment: A step beyond sheer Work-Life Balance
- Art of Parenting: Something critical our universities don’t teach
- Career Management : Career Choices & Mid-career Crisis
- Digital Addiction: Why ‘Virtual’ is not ‘Virtuous’
- Mental Health: Awareness & Compliance
- Being Heard: Body Language & Non-Verbal Communication
- Career Navigation & Employability Skills for Millennial
- From Neuron to Narratives : An Introspective Journey of Self Development
- OCEAN of Life: Key Takeaway of Groundbreaking Positive Psychology
- X – Factor of Your Happiness & Success in Life
- The Art (and Science) of Excellent Mentoring
- Reboot Yourself: Psychology of Personal Wellbeing